
1. No Financial Advice: The information provided on the RWA Inc. platform, including but not limited to this disclaimer, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial, legal or investment advice. Users are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with qualified professionals before making any financial decisions.

2. Platform Use and Risks: By using the RWA Inc. platform, users acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with decentralized finance (DeFi), including but not limited to smart contract vulnerabilities, market volatility and regulatory changes. RWA Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of any information on the platform.

3. Token Risks: The $RWA token and other tokens available on RWA Inc. may be subject to market risks and fluctuations. Users are advised to carefully consider these risks and undertake due diligence before engaging in any token-related activities.

4. Compliance with Laws: Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction. RWA Inc. does not provide legal advice and users should seek legal counsel to understand the regulatory landscape governing their use of the platform.

5. Security Measures: RWA Inc. employs security measures to protect user assets; however, users acknowledge, that no system can be entirely free from security risks. Users are encouraged to take personal security precautions, including safeguarding private keys and using secure and updated devices.

6. Third-Party Links and Services: RWA Inc. may contain links to third-party websites or services for informational purposes. RWA Inc. is not responsible for the content, security or privacy practices of these third-party entities. Users access third-party links at their own risk.

7. User Responsibilities: Users are responsible for the security of their accounts, private keys and any actions taken on the RWA Inc. platform. RWA Inc. is not liable for any unauthorized access or use of user accounts.

8. Platform Changes: RWA Inc. reserves the right to update, modify or discontinue any aspect of the platform at its discretion. Users will be notified of significant changes whenever feasible.

9. No Endorsement: Any mention of third-party projects, tokens or services on RWA Inc. does not constitute an endorsement. Users are encouraged to conduct their own research before engaging with third-party entities.

10. Limitation of Liability: $RWA, its developers, team members and affiliates are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising from the use or inability to use the RWA Inc. platform.​

Last updated